Got Dental Visit? No Ganja Please!
A new survey from the American Dental Association revealed that the majority of dentists, have had a patient come to their appointment while high on marijuana or another drug. Who knew?
So, what's the scoop that's got dentists so concerned? For starters, marijuana can increase anxiety, paranoia and hyperactivity. That said, its usage prior to receiving dental treatment can push the boundaries of stress, beyond levels commonly observed in patients during visits.
The online survey received responses from 557 participating dentists. Of these, 56 percent reported that they've limited treatment to patients who were high from marijuana usage. Another 46 percent reported needing to actually increase the amount of anesthesia.
If you're wondering why more anesthesia would be needed, then you're among 1,000's of other inquiring minds! The answer is that the increase can help offset the combined effects of marijuana and anesthesia on the dental patient's central nervous system.
As a point of reference, the central nervous system is the body’s processing center (aka, the control master of the functions of the body, including awareness and movement).
Bottom Line: Dentists are sounding the alarm! Their take home message to patients is a simple one. This being to Refrain from Ganja use prior to your dental visit.
Heeding the message may save you the inconvenience of being rescheduled for a more SOBER dental visit.
Posted on August 02 2024